The list of Levenhuk dealers in Europe is growing!
Dear customers!
We are excited to welcome new Levenhuk dealers this month! Kabit Ltd. (Кабит ООД) and OUTDOOR ACTIVE BG Ltd. (АУТДООР АКТИВ БГ ООД) from Bulgaria have joined our team!
Our new dealer Kabit Ltd. (Кабит ООД) has an online store at
Another new dealer of ours in Bulgaria, OUTDOOR ACTIVE BG Ltd. (АУТДООР АКТИВ БГ ООД), retails a wide range of products for hunting, camping, speleology, archery, and more. If you are interested in any of the above outdoor activities, visit this store and choose equipment for a great weekend or vacation. Find quality Levenhuk optical instruments at
We gladly welcome new dealers worldwide, making excellent Levenhuk optical tools more affordable to our regular and new customers! Our optical instruments carry a lifetime warranty thereby providing for long, secure use. Find the full list of Levenhuk dealers on this page.