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In this category, you can buy wholesale magnifiers. It is a common perception that magnifiers are only intended for visually impaired people, but that is not true. There are many precise works related to handling tiny parts – such works require magnification. There are several types of magnifiers: watch repair, viewing (reading), textile, pocket, table, etc. Remember that Levenhuk was a fabric buyer and used a textile magnifier, and that’s when his interest in optics and its capabilities of understanding the world started. A wide spectrum of magnifier applications suggests being in constant demand and use.

Optical magnifiers are useful and indispensable devices in handling tiny objects. However, their variety may easily confuse an unprepared user. What to choose: a viewing magnifier with lighting, an optical magnifier on a tripod, an echelon lens, or anything else? Each type of magnifier helps to solve certain objectives, and there are also universal models. LevenhukB2B online store is in the business of wholesale distribution of magnifiers. Online store range includes professional and amateur wholesale magnifiers of wide application.

Wholesale goods magnifiers

Before you order wholesale magnifiers, identify the objectives that it will help to solve. Reading, handicraft, studying minor defects in objects, identifying value of arts and jewelry, equipment repair, assembly of large scale models – there is a perfect magnifier for each of these tasks.

Leading global manufacturers of optical equipment are working non-stop to expand the functionality of such optical devices. Cutting edge developments are offers by Discovery, Levenhuk, Bresser, and many more magnifiers. You can buy a magnifier of any brand mentioned here in our optical device store chain. And the online store range includes multiple models of magnifiers to solve a wide variety of objectives.