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Refractor. Aperture: 60mm. Focal length: 700mm

Optical design
Aperture – the diameter of the light-collecting lens or mirror that the telescope uses to collect light
Focal length – the distance from the primary lens or mirror to the point at which the light is focused

Product ID 72847
Brand Levenhuk, Inc., USA
Warranty lifetime
EAN 5905555002279
Package size (LxWxH) 85x28x19 cm
Shipping Weight 4 kg

Levenhuk Skyline BASE 60T is a refractor used for observing Moon craters, phases of Venus, dim and double stars, or terrestrial objects. Levenhuk Skyline BASE 60T is suitable for observing the beauties of the Universe, but is it especially great for exploring outer space. That is why a beginner astronomer or a kid interested in science will distinguish this telescope among similar models. Due to its simple operation and extended kit, this telescope is excellent for first observations and will be a desired gift for many astronomy enthusiasts.

Inside the telescope, there are fully coated glass optics. The lenses transmit a sharp and contrast image, do not fog up, and deliver even dim objects in a good quality. The optical tube is mounted on an alt-azimuth mount. It does not take much time to learn its operating principle: even a kid will quickly figure out how to operate the telescope. An optical finderscope helps you track the objects in the sky or on the horizon. It comes in the kit and provides a 5x magnification.

Apart from the finderscope, there are also other accessories in the box. Two eyepieces are necessary for the correct magnification choice. An eyepiece with a short focal length increases the magnification up to 175x, the other eyepiece with a long focal length provides a 35x magnification. The higher magnification, the more detailed object you can see; low magnification allows observing extended objects. The kit includes a diagonal prism. This accessory is used for studying terrestrial objects. Telescopes deliver a distorted image (flipped upside down), which is unsuitable for terrestrial observations. A diagonal prism corrects this distortion and makes the image appear in the normal way.

An aluminum tripod is used for mounting the telescope. It is stable and reliable. Due to its legs with adjustable height, the tripod stands steadily even on a rough surface. There is an accessory tray included.


  • Refractor with coated optics, mounted on an alt-azimuth mount
  • Easy-to-operate telescope; the delivered image is always sharp and clear
  • Ideal for studying terrestrial objects, the Moon, planets of the Solar system
  • An excellent gift for a kid or beginner astronomer
  • The kit includes eyepieces and a diagonal prism

The kit includes:

  • Telescope optical tube
  • Alt-azimuth mount
  • Aluminum tripod with an accessory tray
  • 5x24 optical finderscope
  • SR4mm (175x) eyepiece
  • H20mm (35x) eyepiece
  • 3x Barlow lens
  • Diagonal prism
  • User manual and lifetime warranty
Product ID 72847
Brand Levenhuk, Inc., USA
Warranty lifetime
EAN 5905555002279
Package size (LxWxH) 85x28x19 cm
Shipping Weight 4 kg
Optical design refractor
Optics material optical glass
Optics coating standard
Objective lens diameter (aperture), mm 60
Focal length, mm 700
Highest practical power, x 120
Aperture ratio f/11.6
Limiting stellar magnitude 11.4
Eyepieces SR4mm (175х), H20mm (35х)
Eyepiece barrel diameter, in 1.25
Barlow lens 3x
Finderscope optical, 5x24
Tripod aluminum
Tripod height (adjustable), mm 690–1190
Accessory tray
Telescope control manual
Mount alt-azimuth, AZ1
Optical tube material aluminum
User level elementary, beginners
Assembly and installation difficulty level extremely simple
Observed object planets of the Solar System, terrestrial objects