The price is valid only for the online store and may differ from the prices in retail stores.

Functionality: clock, calendar, alarm clock, thermometer, hygrometer, barometer. Three remote sensors are included

Indoors, outdoors
Usage location
Thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, clock, alarm clock, calendar
Data and parameters measured by the device
Wireless, digital, wall mounted, tabletop
Design of the measuring device
Future arrivals
25 June 2025

Product ID 78895
Brand Levenhuk, Inc., USA
Warranty lifetime
EAN 5905555016436
Package size (LxWxH) 15x14x6 cm
Shipping Weight 0.47 kg

Levenhuk Wezzer PLUS LP50 – a multi-channel weather station that measures temperature and humidity levels at four locations at once. The base station comes with three remote sensors that can be located in different rooms or outdoors. The weather station will prove itself in the countryside, where it is essential to control the meteorological data in the harvest storage locations and household outbuildings. It also comes in handy in a spacious apartment or an office.

Along with humidity and temperature, the weather station measures atmospheric pressure, and based on the data, it generates a weather forecast for the upcoming 12 hours. The screen of the base station is divided into several blocks with graphically and conveniently presented information: weather report, exact time, comfort indicator in the room. The sensors have their own screens – you can see the results not only by checking the base screen but also directly at the spot of measurement. The maximum and minimum values are kept in the device's memory.

The functionality of the weather station is not everything that Levenhuk Wezzer PLUS LP50 can offer: it could also be used as the desktop clock and alarm clock. The alarm clock sound can be snoozed for five minutes at the touch of a button, if needed.

It is recommended to use alkaline batteries for the remote sensors.

Key features:

  • Exact temperature and humidity readings at 4 locations in one go
  • Built-in barometer, alarm clock, calendar
  • History of the meteorological limit values
  • Comfort level rating, weather forecast (5 icons)
  • Both the station and the sensors have screens and are battery-operated

The kit includes:

  • Weather station
  • Remote sensor – 3 pcs.
  • User manual and warranty card
Product ID 78895
Brand Levenhuk, Inc., USA
Warranty lifetime
EAN 5905555016436
Package size (LxWxH) 15x14x6 cm
Shipping Weight 0.47 kg
Usage location indoors, outdoors
Type weather station
Built-in features thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, clock, alarm clock, calendar
Design wireless, digital, wall mounted, tabletop
Application for home use
Air analyzer
Units of measurement mbar/hPa, mmHg
Hygrometer (air humidity)
Units of measurement % (RH)
Measurement resolution 1%
Thermometer (temperature)
Units of measurement °C, °F
Measuring range indoors -10...+50 °C
Measuring range outdoors -40...+70 °C
Measurement resolution 0.1 °C
Clock (time/date/calendar)
Time format 12 hours, 24 hours
Alarm clock
Special features alarm clock with snooze function
General specifications
Screen type monochrome
Number of screens 4
Radio signal frequency, MHz 433.92
Radio signal radius, m 100
Power supply weather station: AAA batteries – 3 pcs. (not included), sensors: AAA batteries – 2 pcs. (per each, not included)
Body plastic
Number of connected outdoor sensors 3 pcs. (included)
Lighting is available
Overall comfort level estimation
Weather trend is available
Weather trend for the next 12 hours
Wireless sensor